I have three sewing machines. An embarrassment of riches. They aren't all the fancy schmancy sort, but they all can sew 1/4" seams. In quilting, that's really what matters, right?
I have three sisters and a momma. One sister lives far away, has fancy schmancy sewing machine and could teach sewing (Really. She has a home ec ed degree). But the other two sisters live close by as does the momma. So, in July, we all came together at my house. I gave them access to (most of) my fabric stash. And we cut. And cut. and cut lots of fabric. We're making table runners. Soon, it was time to go.
We made plans to come back in September and keep on sewing. It was decided that we weren't in a hurry. We valued the sisterhood as much as the crafting.
Sistah #1 came by one day and learned the various blocks (four blocks total: 6" block, a four square block, and two log cabin-ish blocks. She made one of each with me and then went home and got to work.
Well, last Saturday, the sistahs and momma came and we actually sewed!!
Fixing a cutting mistake |
trying out combinations |
The sisterhood |
who's happier the girl or the dog? |
We're actually sewing! |
"that's right mom, good job!" |
it's so satisfying when the back side lays properly! |
more trying combinations... |
putting the whole together |
loving her color choices |
Loving her color choices |
It was such a fun day!