

The Basics -- Churn Dash

I just finished my Basics Quilt Class.  Here's one of the squares I learned to construct ...
The square: The Churn Dash
Why it's a Basic: Look closely.  Do you see it?  It's a 9-patch.  The elements are half-square triangles and 2/3s of a rail fence.  
What I learned: This square helped me put it all together.  We've been working hard on those silly little squares and then, bam!, the more advanced "basic" squares put them together.  I didn't like the look of the churn dash, then I put this together.  
What I like about this square: The construction. The fabric.
What I don't like: nada
Would I do anything differently: zip

The Basics: An Easy Guide to Beginning Quiltmaking by Kathy Delaney

Taught by Barbara R. at the Prairie Quilt Shops

Just a reminder, this unfinished quilt was photographed on an ottoman and may not appear square, but it is!