

The Basics -- Double 9-Patch

I just finished my Basics Quilt Class.  Here's one of the squares I learned to construct ...
The square: Double 9-Patch
Why it's a Basic: itty bitty squares make a checkerboard square to make a 9-patch 
What I learned: using strips of fabrics to make the checkerboard. It meant lots of straight, accurate cutting and 1/4" seams
What I like about this square: cheery colors that go together
What I don't like:It was tedious and I kept getting worried I would make a mistake.  I was very manic.
Would I do anything differently: Nothing, it was a good experience

The Basics: An Easy Guide to Beginning Quiltmaking by Kathy Delaney

Taught by Barbara R. at the Prairie Quilt Shops

Just a reminder, this unfinished quilt was photographed on an ottoman and may not appear square, but it is!