

The Basics -- 9-Patch

The square:9 3.5" squares sewn together
Why it's a Basic: This is as basic as it gets... Like the 4-patch, other patches work off of its construction
What I learned:  It takes me a while, but I got much better as cutting fabric. Those seams are lined up! and yes, Virginia, we have 1/4" squares
What I like about this square: Visually, it's one of my favorites (probably it's the blue).  The colors. I love the birdies. The orange fabric was in my stash and I raided it.  
What I don't like:  Not a whole lot.  Probably, I would say I don't like that it took a while to conquer, but really, I like this one.
Would I do anything differently: Nada.  This was a good one.

The Basics: An Easy Guide to Beginning Quiltmaking by Kathy Delaney

Taught by Barbara R. at the Prairie Quilt Shops

Just a reminder, this unfinished quilt was photographed on an ottoman and may not appear square, but it is!